Swiss Air Lines passenger reviews
Swiss Air Lines reviews are pretty favourable, with most passengers enjoying the above average Swiss Air Lines inflight experience, although it can be a little mixed on shorter flights. Swiss Air Lines Seats which include a great new business class seat, and the Swiss Air Lines Fleet includes the Boeing 777, which deliveres an uprated experience in all cabins. All seats on the longhaul aircraft have Swiss Air Lines inflight entertainment seatback TV screens, with AVOD play on demand. There is also Swiss Air Lines inflight wifi on the Boeing 777. Swiss Air Lines inflight meals are generally pretty good, and all are complementary. Swiss Air Lines Drinks are also free on board.
► International Business Class
Seat lies on a slope: uncomfortable on long flights, but good layout allows plenty of room
Lounges very good at the Zurich hub, with the worlds longest airport bar.
► International Economy Class
Seat is sub-par, and on some aircraft very tired.
Food & Drinks are good, with a free bar.
► Shorthaul
Aircraft are standard Airbus produccts, with moveable Biz/Econ seating
Entertainment No IFE shorthaul.
Food & Drinks Free bar in economy has been reintroduced.
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► International Economy Class

► Shorthaul