Delta reviews

Airline reviews Delta Inflight food

Delta inflight food

Delta has launched EATS: it's new buy on board food service with sandwiches available for purchase on all flights 1,500 miles or more (flights to Hawaii and Alaska continue to receive a free meal service).

Delta no longer have complementary inflight meals. For a flight of less than 1.5 hours you'll just get peanuts, and a free tea, coffee, or cans of soft drink. Between 1.5 hours and 3.5 hours there is Delta's new EATS menus. It is your basic buy-on-board menu, with snacks, sandwiches, and wraps. There is separate EATS menu on domestic (US and Canada), Latin America and Caribbean flights during meal times. Breakfast is available from 0500 o 0945 and lunch/dinner is available from then on until 2200.

In Premium Economy on domestic flights which are medium-haul transcontinental, you can also pre-order 'premium meals': this is well worth while doing, to avoid the usual Delta option of 'Ham or Cheese burger?’.

First Class meals on Domestic flights start at 900 Miles (about 2 hours), with breakfast until 0945, then lunch until 1330, nothing from then onwards until dinner at 1600 to 2000. There is however a free bar at any time of the day. If the flight is above 3.5 hours, there is also an entrée course, from a middle-ranking US chef.

Fruit & Cheese plate $6.75
Beef Focaccia $8.50
Chicken Caesar wrap $8.50
Fruit & Nut mix $3.00
Cookies, cheese crackers goldfish $8.00
Delta inflight Food
The Delta Menu is in the seat pocket infront of you.

There is normally only one trolley on the plane, which starts at the rear of the cabin.

It is quite extraordinarily expensive to eat or drink on Delta Air Lines as a foreigner. Beware that Delta Air Lines don't really cater for non-US passengers on domestic flights (and flights to Canada, Mexico, & South America). because they only accept credit cards. A UK or Australian credit card will accordingly have a 'foreign transaction charge' added to this, and to add insult to injury, you can't buy more than one beer at a time to only pay one charge. Hence, each beer will cost you nearly US$20. Thankfully on flights to the UK, Delta Air Lines now accept cash, following thousands of complaints.

Domestic First Class - Delta inflight food

Food MSP - SEA July 2011

Ceaser Salad

A bowl with rocket leaves, a few tiny bits of bacon, and some cheese grated on top. Ceaser dressing.

Bowl of fruit salad. Chocolate cheesecake.

Dear oh dear, if you want the veggie option you'll get this. There really was very little to this at all: just a few leaves in a bowl.
Food MSP - SEA July 2011

Cheese burger

Beef burger in a seeded bun with a slice of cheese. A slice of lettuce, tomato, onions & gerkin.

Potato salad. Chocolate cheesecake.

Oh my life. And this passes for food. Well, maybe it says something about Delta's audience that this is actually quite well received: the height of cuisine it is not, but it is certainly better than the burgers on US Airways, but it does lack the soup you'll get on United.

It is quite bizare to think that a few years back you used to get steak in economy. Now, flying First Class, instead of the luxurious dinner of old, you'll get - a cheese burger. In fact, the cabin crew are delighted to offer you a choice: you can either have a plain burger, a cheese burger, or a burger also with salad: you have to put the various bits on top yourself.
Food MSP - SEA July 2011

Biscuit selection

As desert on longer flights you care offered a selection of chocolates, sweets, and biscuits.

Food MSP - SEA July 2011

Delta biscuits

Delta are famous for their inflight biscuits.

In First Class you can be served with biscuits with a logo! Wow!

Food BNA - MSP Nov 2011

Delta Muffin

Mid-mornings, and there is no food in First class, not even on rather long flights. Instead, you'll end up with a cup of coffee and a brownie. Wow.

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